Tuesday 27 August 2019

Mind-blowing Physics Facts

Physics is a subject that lets us understand the universe better. It is a fundamental scientific discipline that aims to understand how the universe works. We've prepared the most interesting and informative blog which would provide you all the mindblowing facts Physics facts.

1. The literal meaning of the word “Physics” is taken from Greek saying “knowledge of nature”.

2. Light waves don’t always move in straight lines

3. The amount of heat outflow from the human body is more than enough in lightning up a 100-watt bulb for some time.

4. Gravitational force can’t control the movement of every matter present on earth. At times, other forces can defeat it.

5. GPS which shows us the right paths of life is based on a physics formula of E = mc 2.

6. The universe we get to see is only 5% of the whole universe. The rest of the things are simply dark energy and dark matter.

7. Black holes are not black Stephen Hawking discovered a radiation called “Hawking radiation” which makes the black hole glow and gives off light across the whole spectrum.

8. If we gather all the humanity at one place and remove all the empty spaces from the atom, it would fit in a small sugar cube.

9. Time is relative. Everyone has their own sense of time.

10. The universe is constantly expanding.

We hope you've learned something new about Physics through this blog. For more such informative content stay tuned to ntsetips.

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